Undergraduate Financial Aid by Type

The average amount of grants of scholarship aid is $16,279 and the average loan amount is $7,074. The average financial aid amount is 47.14% of tuition & fees (tuition & fees: $34,535).
Number Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or scholarship aid3,545 94%$57,710,262$16,279
Pell Grants1,289 34%$6,023,851$4,673
Federal Students Loans1,958 52%$13,851,637$7,074

Undergraduate Student Financial Aid Comparison Chart

First-time (full-time) Undergraduate Students Financial Aid

For the full-time, first-time undergraduate students (freshmen, in most cases), 648 students have received one or more types of financial aid at St. Joseph's University-New York.
The average amount of federal, state, local or institutional grant aid is $20,286 and the average amount of student loans awarded to full-time first-time undergraduate students is $6,452.
The following table shows the financial data by type of aid at St. Joseph's University-New York.

First-time Undergraduate Financial Aid by Type

Number Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Any Financial Aid64899%--
Grant or scholarship aid648 99%$13,145,320$20,286
Federal Grants478 73%$2,106,315$4,407
Pell Grants246 38%$1,250,215$5,082
Other Federal Grants442 68%$856,100$1,937
State/Local Grants233 36%$742,225$3,186
Institutional Grants641 98%$10,296,780$16,064
Student Loans303 46%$1,954,850$6,452
Federal Student Loans296 45%$1,563,824$5,283
Other Student Loans31 5%$391,026$12,614