Undergraduate Financial Aid by Type

The average amount of grants of scholarship aid is $16,956 and the average loan amount is $7,312. The average financial aid amount is 31.09% of tuition & fees (tuition & fees: $54,530).
Number Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or scholarship aid2,792 100%$47,339,815$16,956
Pell Grants532 19%$2,655,930$4,992
Federal Students Loans1,032 37%$7,546,171$7,312

Undergraduate Student Financial Aid Comparison Chart

First-time (full-time) Undergraduate Students Financial Aid

For the full-time, first-time undergraduate students (freshmen, in most cases), 662 students have received one or more types of financial aid at School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
The average amount of federal, state, local or institutional grant aid is $18,290 and the average amount of student loans awarded to full-time first-time undergraduate students is $10,796.
The following table shows the financial data by type of aid at School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

First-time Undergraduate Financial Aid by Type

Number Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidTotal Amount of Aid ReceivedAverage Amount of Aid Received
Any Financial Aid662100%--
Grant or scholarship aid662 100%$12,107,800$18,290
Federal Grants132 20%$688,446$5,216
Pell Grants132 20%$664,446$5,034
Other Federal Grants6 1%$24,000$4,000
State/Local Grants34 5%$179,904$5,291
Institutional Grants646 98%$11,239,450$17,399
Student Loans270 41%$2,914,871$10,796
Federal Student Loans265 40%$1,475,188$5,567
Other Student Loans46 7%$1,439,683$31,297