Geriatric Nurse/Nursing Schools' 2024 Average Tuition
Number of SchoolsTuition & Fees
BS degree1 $15,332
Graduate Programs36 $21,062
In United States, 56 schools offer Geriatric Nurse/Nursing programs. 1 schools offer BS degree programs and 36 schools offer masters's or doctorate degree programs in the Geriatric Nurse/Nursing study area.
The 2024 average tuition & fees of the Geriatric Nurse/Nursing program is $15,332 for undergraduate schools and $21,062 for graduate schools. The average annual age after completing Geriatric Nurse/Nursing program is $125,678.

Average Income after Completing Geriatric Nurse/Nursing Program

The annual average wage after completing Geriatric Nurse/Nursing is $125,678 and hourly $53.68. This statistics is based on the employment and wage data (May 2019) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Next table shows the possible occupation and job list with average income having Geriatric Nurse/Nursing degree/certificate.
Average Income after completing Geriatric Nurse/Nursing Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Nurse Anesthetists$98.93$205,770
Medical and Health Services Managers$61.53$127,980
Nurse Practitioners$59.94$124,680
Nurse Midwives$58.87$122,450
Registered Nurses$42.80$89,010
Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary$84,180

Colleges Offering Geriatric Nurse/Nursing Program

Jonesboro, AR
$13,826 Tuition & Fees13,190 Students$8,371 Financial Aid202 Programs15 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Irvine, CA
$45,014 Tuition & Fees35,937 Students$18,266 Financial Aid309 Programs18 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Minneapolis, MN
$12,498 Tuition & Fees42,312 Students$3,664 Financial Aid134 Programs21 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Denver, CO
$43,980 Tuition & Fees4,668 Students$21,047 Financial Aid132 Programs9 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Washington, DC
$64,990 Tuition & Fees25,939 Students$34,492 Financial Aid407 Programs12 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Jacksonville, FL
$46,180 Tuition & Fees3,837 Students$32,237 Financial Aid122 Programs13 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Chicago, IL
$51,716 Tuition & Fees16,899 Students$24,072 Financial Aid337 Programs13 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Chicago, IL
$35,325 Tuition & Fees2,660 Students$19,798 Financial Aid87 Programs10 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Indianapolis, IN
$33,717 Tuition & Fees25,979 Students$11,422 Financial Aid345 Programs13 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio
Evansville, IN
$22,573 Tuition & Fees9,178 Students$7,732 Financial Aid118 Programs16 to 1 Students to Fmajor-listty Ratio