Comparison Between Colleges near Riverhead, New York

The following table lists 1 college located in Riverhead and 13 school near Riverhead, New York ordered by distance from Riverhead. The "-" value in other columns means that the corresponding data has not been reported or the school does not have programs for the values.
You can sort the table by column by clicking/touching column titles. The colleges in light blue rows are located in the city limit and other schools are not located in, but near the city.
All SchoolsPublicPrivate4 Years CollegeCommunity CollegesTechnical Colleges
College NameDistance From RiverheadUndergraduate Tuition & FeesPopulationGraduation RateStudent to Faculty RatioAverage Financial Aid
Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Riverhead, NY
Public, Less than 2 years
-$11,24011-7 to 1$7,035
Suffolk County Community College
Selden, NY
Public, 2-4 years
20.82 miles$12,08020,01423%24 to 1$7,038
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY
Public, 4 years
23.46 miles$30,35025,71077%19 to 1$10,225
TIGI Hairdressing Academy Guilford
Guilford, CT
Private, Less than 2 years
24.89 miles$19,25041-9 to 1$4,237
Branford Academy of Hair and Cosmetology
Branford, CT
Private, Less than 2 years
25.95 miles$7,39015-15 to 1$6,450
Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Oakdale, NY
Public, Less than 2 years
26.16 miles$11,24031-19 to 1$5,604
Access Careers-Islandia
Islandia, NY
Private, Less than 2 years
27.78 miles$1,500138-13 to 1$5,477
Stone Academy-West Haven
West Haven, CT
Private, 2-4 years
28.36 miles$30,62556680%-$9,725
New York Institute of Beauty
Islandia, NY
Private, Less than 2 years
28.42 miles$15,741248-16 to 1$4,003
Long Island Beauty School-Hauppauge
Hauppauge, NY
Private, Less than 2 years
28.48 miles$14,100185-16 to 1$5,341
Stratford School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
Stratford, CT
Public, 2-4 years
28.87 miles$7,2502796%15 to 1$3,208
Gateway Community College
New Haven, CT
Public, 2-4 years
29.21 miles$14,1405,57810%14 to 1$6,087
University of New Haven
West Haven, CT
Private, 4 years
29.32 miles$45,7308,81962%19 to 1$24,541
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Private, 4 years
29.65 miles$64,70014,77697%6 to 1$60,487
Average-$11,24011-7 to 1$7,035