Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

The 2024 undergraduate tuition & fees of Carolinas College of Health Sciences are $19,095 (out-of-state rate) and it is average compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences $19,095

All U.S. Colleges $17,692

Public, 4-Years Colleges $18,895

4-Years Colleges $22,926

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina $19,768

Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate of Carolinas College of Health Sciences is 71% and it is slightly higher than the average (relatively easy to get in) compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 71%

All U.S. Colleges 69%

Public, 4-Years Colleges 72%

4-Years Colleges 68%

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 63%

Yield (Enrollment Rate)

The yield, also known as enrollment rate, of Carolinas College of Health Sciences is 58% and the yield is much higher (highly eager to enroll) compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 58%

All U.S. Colleges 37%

Public, 4-Years Colleges 32%

4-Years Colleges 35%

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 30%

Graduation Rate

The average graduation rate at Carolinas College of Health Sciences is 33% and it is lower (less completion rate) compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 33%

All U.S. Colleges 56%

Public, 4-Years Colleges 48%

4-Years Colleges 51%

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 63%

Transfer-out Rate

The average transfer-out rate at Carolinas College of Health Sciences is 66% and it is extremely higher (many students transferred-out) compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 66%

All U.S. Colleges 21%

Public, 4-Years Colleges 23%

4-Years Colleges 24%

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 24%

Student Population

The total student population at Carolinas College of Health Sciences is 409 and its population very small compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 409

All U.S. Colleges 2,931

Public, 4-Years Colleges 11,396

4-Years Colleges 4,686

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 13,968

Financial Aid Amount

The average amount of financial aid received at Carolinas College of Health Sciences is $3,439 which is 18.01% of tuition & fees. The rate of the financial aid over its tuition is lower compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences $3,439

All U.S. Colleges $7,676

Public, 4-Years Colleges $7,301

4-Years Colleges $12,161

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina $8,822

Student to Faculty Ratio

The students to faculty ratio at Carolinas College of Health Sciences is 5 to 1 and the ratio is very lower (smaller size classes) compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 5 to 1

All U.S. Colleges 15 to 1

Public, 4-Years Colleges 17 to 1

4-Years Colleges 14 to 1

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 15 to 1

Number of Programs

Carolinas College of Health Sciences offers 9 programs and it means limited area of study compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 9

All U.S. Colleges 37

Public, 4-Years Colleges 108

4-Years Colleges 58

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 104

Number of Online Programs

Carolinas College of Health Sciences offers 1 online programs and it means limited online classes compared to Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina.

Carolinas College of Health Sciences 1

All U.S. Colleges 13

Public, 4-Years Colleges 17

4-Years Colleges 15

Public, 4-Years Colleges in North Carolina 21