Number of Programs with Completers

The following table summarizes the offered degrees and programs with number of programs and number of completers.
By degrees/certificates, 188 1-2 Years certificates were awareded by Hohokus School of Trade and Technical Sciences.
Number of ProgramsNumber of Online ProgramsNumber of Completers
1-2 Years certificates40188

Best Major Programs (Ranked in U.S. Colleges)

The following table shows the best programs at Hohokus School of Trade and Technical Sciences based on earning after completing the program by degree types.
Certificate Program - Highest Earning After Graduation
Field of StudyMedian Earning after Graduation
Building/Property Maintenance$21,500

Popular Programs with Most Completers

The following table lists the popular programs at Hohokus School of Trade and Technical Sciences based on number of completers for each offered programs in 2022-2023.

Major Programs by Offered Degree

The follwing tabs shows all major programs offered at Hohokus School of Trade and Technical Sciences by awared level. You can check online avaiability, number of completers, and average earning after graduation for each major by expanding the major program.
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Engineering Technology 13 completers-
Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician13-
ProgramAvailable OnlineNumber of CompletersAverage Earning after graduation
Construction Trades 175 completers-
Building/Property Maintenance17-
Plumbing Technology/Plumber70-