Enrollment Comparison Chart

The below chart compares the student population between Randolph-Macon College and similar colleges.

Enrollment by Gender/Attending Status

By gender, there are 677 male and 813 female students attending Randolph-Macon. The male-to-female student ratio is 0.83 to 1 and the ratio is than national average (the national average is 0.75 to 1).
The following table and chart show the student population by gender and attending status at Randolph-Macon.
Population by Gender/Attending Status at Randolph-Macon

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity

By race/ethnicity, there are 1,116 White students (74.90%) and 128 Black or African American students (8.59%) at Randolph-Macon College(top 2 most races/ethnicities). The following table summarizes the population diversity by race at Randolph-Macon College.
Population by Race/Ethnicity at Randolph-Macon College
American Indian or Alaska Native321
Black or African American1287850
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander110
Two or More Races793445
Race/Ethnicity Unknown19127
Total 1,490677813

Enrollment by Student Age

By age, there are 1,475 students whose age under twenty five and 6 students whose age is over thirty years old at Randolph-Macon College.
Especially, 21 students are younger than eighteen.
The following table and chart show the student population by student age at Randolph-Macon College.
Population by Student Age at Randolph-Macon College
Total1,490 677813
Under 1821 516
18-19647 289358
20-21699 305394
22-24108 7137
25-299 45
30-343 21
35-392 11
40-491 01
Total 1,490 677813